You can access a comprehensive list of Snap Schedule 365 reports and a list of reports that you previously modified and saved by clicking Reports in the menu bar.
The Standard Reports page will show several categories of standard reports and links to reports that correspond to each category. Clicking any of these links will run the report and open the Report Viewer and display your desired report using the default settings.
The Saved Reports page will show a list of any reports that you saved for future use. The list shows you the report name, report title, and the date that the report was last updated. You can sort any of the above properties in either ascending or descending order. In addition, you can specify which columns are displayed in the list. You can also filter the list using complex logic.
Either double-clicking any item in the list or clicking will run the report that you select and open the Report Viewer to display your desired report using the default settings.
Clicking will prompt you to select a valid custom report file from your computer.
Clicking will delete your selected saved report, after confirming with you first.
Warning: Deleting a saved report is permanent and cannot be undone.
Clicking will refresh your list of saved reports with reports that may have been saved by other schedulers.